Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day -- Freedom Is Not Free

I know this blog is full of political motivations and thoughts. But this day November 11th nothing is more important then to honor those whom have served our country in times of war and peace. These brave individuals have sacrificed life and limb to provide us with the GIFT we call FREEDOM. To all of those Veterans whom I have and have never had the Honor of meeting I would like to say THANK YOU. For you are the ones whom have given me the ability to live and enjoy the freedoms of this great country. You have given my son a country to be proud of and even more the honor of looking up to the true heroes that you are.

On a Personal Note I would like to thank my father who volunteered for the United States Army to fight in Vietnam. He served as a Sergent in the Green Berets and was part of an A-Team fighting in the most remote hellish places in Vietnam. From enduring 8 hour firefights, to risking his life fighting the enemy to get close enough to bring his wounded brothers in arms back to safety. I love you and thank you for showing me what a Hero means. He received two Bronze Stars for heroism in the face of danger. One story I remember well, but may not tell it well, is the story of one of his actions. During a firefight in the middle of the jungle he was dropping smoke to signal to the meda-vac helicopters so they could lower basket to retrieve men whom where wounded in the battle. The smoke drifted into the enemy lines and the basket where lowered in enemy territory. My father picked up his wounded men and fought his way to the baskets more then once to get his men to safety and to the life saving treatment they needed.

As we sit here today worried about our futures and concerned about our own welfare in this troubling economic times, lets not forget about those who served and are serving today. Just like the war my father fought in, this current war is not a popular war to most Americans. But lets not treat these brave men and women the same way the American people treated the Vietnam vets when they came home. Lets honor them and thanks them and their families for the sacrifice they have made at home and overseas.

So as I finish this post please reach out to those you know that have or are serving this country and thank them. If you do not know one I am sure if you look around you will find a Hero you never knew existed right next to you.

To my father again you are a Hero and a great man, it is an honor to be your son and friend.

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