Thursday, November 13, 2008

$700 Billion Bailout... Good for America?

Here are the results of a poll I found on I thought it was interesting to see what folks think of the bailout, considering the government is doing this supposedly to help the American people.

The Total Number of people who voted in this poll: 26498 (as of date of post)

1) Who is most to blame for America’s current economic crisis?

70% voted: Democrats and US Congress
10% voted: The Bush Administration
3% voted: Wall Street
13% voted: Banks and sub-prime lenders
2% voted: Real estate and mortgage professionals
0% voted: Investors
2% voted: Home buyers

2) Do you agree a government bailout was the answer to America’s financial crisis?

7% voted: Yes
80% voted: No
13% voted: Undecided

3) Do you believe the American taxpayers should have to foot the bill for our financial systems mistakes?

8% voted: Yes, we have to or we’ll end up in a prolonged recession or worse a depression.
76% voted: No, America is too far in debt already.
16% voted: Absolutely not, the American people should never be responsible for bailing out the private sector.
0% voted: Undecided

4) Do you believe the government bailout will ultimately rescue our country's financial system?

8% voted: Yes
23% voted: No
64% voted: Undecided

5) Do you believe Barack Obama was the best choice to handle the country's future economic policy?

12% voted: Yes
81% voted: No
7% voted: Undecided

If we don't want this bailout....WHY is there a bailout?

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